<aside> 💡 The governor is a simpler component than others in the system but still provides an invaluable role.


Governor responsibilities

The governor acts as the central authority through which all governance proceeds indirectly. You can think of it as the single point for issuing rights to actors.

Minting of authority tokens

The main responsibility for the governor is allowing the minting of Authority Tokens, and ensuring they are sent to Effects. The governor needs to check that this happens as a result of a proposal finishing its voting phase.

Holding proposal parameters

The governor holds a number of proposal parameters that are copied over when a proposal is created. These parameters are configured initially when the governor is created and can be modified again at a later stage using a proposal.

Guarding creation of proposals

The governor is also responsible for allowing the creation of proposals. There are a few rules for the creation of a proposal, and the governor ensures these rules are followed.

In order for proposals to have sequential IDs, the governor keeps track of a counter which it uses to ensure an ID has not been taken yet. The governor also needs to keep global settings that influence how proposals behave: thresholds for state transitions, how long each phase lasts, etc.

The governor, in-line with other Agora components, allows its state to be mutated, subject to the burning of an authority token.