
When you supplying assets to a Liqwid Market, you begin earning interest on that asset. In addition, the qTokens minted when you supply can be used as Loan Collateral for loans in other Markets.


To begin supplying assets to Liqwid, you must have:

How to Supply

  1. Go to the "Assets to supply" section and click on "Supply" for the desired asset.
  2. Choose the amount you want to supply.
  3. Submit the transaction by approving it in your Cardano browser wallet.
  4. Once the transaction is confirmed, your supplied liquidity is successfully deposited, and you start earning interest.

Withdrawing Assets

  1. Go to the "Your supplies" section and click on "Withdraw."
  2. Ensure there is enough available liquidity (not borrowed) for the withdrawal. If not, you may need to wait for more liquidity from supplier deposits or borrower loan repayments.
  3. Select the amount you want to withdraw.
  4. Approve the transaction in your Cardano browser wallet.